Tuesday, May 5, 2015

4/25 On Pain

                                                                4/25 On Pain

The human will disciplines and outfits this flesh with such painstaking care that it now seems more indifferent to injury. Today, we again are able to bear the sight of death with greater indifference, since we no longer feel at home in our body as we did before. It no longer accords with our style to stop a flying show or a car race simply because of a deadly accident. Such accidents lie not outside but inside the zone of a new kind of security (p. 43).

I chose this passage because of it's reality. The reality of this passage has not just become but, has been around for centuries. It reminds me of that music group the Monkey's. They say "One monkey don't stop the show". That is the way of the world now more than it has ever been. Many lives are lost due to many, many, different reasons. There may have been a time when someone died through a horrific tragedy of some sort, that people may have stopped even if it was for a hour to deal with emotional pain. Nowadays death has become as if someone has dropped the ice cream off the cone. When that happens people will look for a minute and say wow and, keep on going on with what ever routine they were in. This non caring attitude for human life has become the shield to another humans emotions. No one cares until it either hits them or someone close to them. There is no more care and concern for tragedy as in many days before now. This is that new security of every man for themselves era. 

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