Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Max Weber : Politics as A Vocation


                                                         Max Weber : Politics as A Vocation

My colleague, Mr. F. W. Förster, whom personally I highly esteem for his undoubted sincerity, but whom I reject unreservedly as a politician, believes it is possible to get around this difficulty by the simple thesis: ‘from good comes only good; but from evil only evil follows.’ In that case this whole complex of questions would not exist. But it is rather astonishing that such a thesis could come to light two thousand five hundred years after the Upanishads. Not only the whole course of world history, but every frank examination of everyday experience points to the very opposite. The development of religions all over the world is determined by the fact that the opposite is true. The age-old problem of theodicy consists of the very question of how it is that a power which is said to be at once omnipotent and kind could have created such an irrational world of undeserved suffering, unpunished injustice, and hopeless stupidity. Either this power is not omnipotent or not kind, or, entirely different principles of compensation and reward govern our life—principles we may interpret metaphysically, or even principles that forever escape our comprehension (p. 122)

I chose this passage of Weber's not only because is it very interesting that this evidently know theory is true even today but, the fact of much of the chaos which is going on in the world today with the claim of good. The principles running these very claims hide behind many different religions and, sorrows which always has an undeserving agenda. But, at the same time this has been the wayof the world from the beginning of time.


1 comment:

  1. History repeats itself. The fact that we can see so much relation and lack of change or should I say major changes in the world today makes one question will the way of the world since the beginning of time ever be different for the world as we continue in time.
