Major political cleavages in Germany today are drawn along the lines of: how is the Nazi regime to be interpreted within German history?
The Nazi regime can be interpreted as a bad part of the history of Germany which created many wars, deaths not succumbed by war but, by the orders of Hitler. The Nazi regime can be interpreted as one of the many dark pitfalls of Germany's time. Hitler wanted to control and make Germany a country of pure bread Germans which, he tried to achieve at the cost of everything. This regime has played a major part of Germany's downfall. Which, I feel still affects that country to this present day.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
The Weimar Republic
The Weimar Republic
Article 84The Reich, by the means of legislation, establishes regulations for :
1. the establishment of state taxation management, inasmuch a uniform and equanimous application of Reich taxation laws require;
2. the establishment and authority of the administration branches responsible for the supervision of the execution of Reich taxation laws;
3. the clearing with the states;
4. compensation for the costs of administration caused by the execution of Reich taxation laws.
I chose this article because as I read this I remembered what these people went through and how much they had lost during this time. Taxation had to be controlled to help this country to bounce back or to have a crawling start at fixing their problems. So this was their start of recuperation.
Article 109All Germans are equal in front of the law.
In principle, men and women have the same rights and obligations.
Legal privileges or disadvantages based on birth or social standing are to be abolished.
Noble titles form part of the name only; noble titles may not be granted any more.
Titles may only be granted, if they indicate an office or occupation; academic degrees are not affected by this regulation.
The state may no more bestow orders and medals.
No German may accept titles or orders from a foreign government
I chose this article which was the becoming of some sort of sincerity to the countries people. Even if at times it may have seemed superficial and long overdue it was a start. Those who thought they had more control over the more unfortunate, now had to learn how to be treated as one with those very people on a level probably unfair to them. And those who felt the government had failed them now felt they had a chance at life without so many prejudices.
Max Weber : Politics as A Vocation
Max Weber : Politics as A Vocation
My colleague, Mr. F. W. Förster, whom personally I highly esteem for his undoubted sincerity, but whom I reject unreservedly as a politician, believes it is possible to get around this difficulty by the simple thesis: ‘from good comes only good; but from evil only evil follows.’ In that case this whole complex of questions would not exist. But it is rather astonishing that such a thesis could come to light two thousand five hundred years after the Upanishads. Not only the whole course of world history, but every frank examination of everyday experience points to the very opposite. The development of religions all over the world is determined by the fact that the opposite is true. The age-old problem of theodicy consists of the very question of how it is that a power which is said to be at once omnipotent and kind could have created such an irrational world of undeserved suffering, unpunished injustice, and hopeless stupidity. Either this power is not omnipotent or not kind, or, entirely different principles of compensation and reward govern our life—principles we may interpret metaphysically, or even principles that forever escape our comprehension (p. 122)
I chose this passage of Weber's not only because is it very interesting that this evidently know theory is true even today but, the fact of much of the chaos which is going on in the world today with the claim of good. The principles running these very claims hide behind many different religions and, sorrows which always has an undeserving agenda. But, at the same time this has been the wayof the world from the beginning of time.
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