Thursday, May 7, 2015

5/2 Walter Benjamin: "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction


5/2 Walter Benjamin: "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction

 One might generalize by saying: the technique of reproduction detaches the reproduced object from the domain of tradition. By making many reproductions it substitutes a plurality of copies for a unique existence. And in permitting the reproduction to meet the beholder or listener in his own particular situation, it reactivates the object reproduced. These two processes lead to a tremendous shattering of tradition which is the obverse of the contemporary crisis and renewal of mankind. Both processes are intimately connected with the contemporary mass movements. Their most powerful agent is the film. Its social significance, particularly in its most positive form, is inconceivable without its destructive, cathartic aspect, that is, the liquidation of the traditional value of the cultural heritage (p. 221).

I chose this particular passage because the insight within it is very strong and accurate. What this passage explains is mechanical reproduction takes away from the originality of what was originally produced. The uniqueness of anything original is lost not only with substitutes but, with time. As used in this passage, mankind has become lost of values and morals watered down through this very mechanical reproduction. This is also why he states film to be the most powerful agent. Film captures the originality of what was happening at the time of what ever was being created. For example; when Martin Luther king was killed, or when they filmed Hitler's camp. Through these original truths are seen how watered down many if not all cultures have become. Almost to the point of it's destruction.  

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Nihilism in Germany

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Nihilism in Germany


       "It's all a swindle"

Papa swindles

Mama Swindles

Grand mama's a lying thief

We're perfectly shameless

But we're blameless

after all it's our belief

Nowadays the world is rotten

honesty has been forgotten

Fall in love but after kissing

check your purse to see what's missing

Everyone swindles some

My son's a mooch and so's the pooch

"Alles Swindel"

Papa schwindelt

Mama schwindelt,

tut sie auf blob ihren mund!

tante otillie

und de famillie

und sogar der kleine Hund!

und besieht man's aus der Nahe:

Jedes band und jede Ehe

Jedes kub in dern Betriebe

und sogar die grobe Liebe!

undie ganze heut'ge zeit Ja,

sogar die Ehrilchkeit.

       "No Time

Nowadays, a person doesn't have a second to spare.

yet many even think the pace is too slow.

       "Keine Zeit

Man laesst sich weit und breit heut

nicht mehr sehunde zeit heut.

Es geht im Gegenteil uns noch zu Langsam fast.

                                                               "My Interpretation of Both Songs"

     As for "It's all a swindle", I chose the first verse of the lyric's because it explains the life of the

people in that county at that time. It is apparent that everyone swindles to get by, to survive. Not only

is it the way of life there but, it seems to have been taught through generations as a means of survival.

Even grandmamma is a lying thief. This is also an example of what they chosen of what the

government has given them.

     As for "No Time", I chose this particular verse because no one has a second to spare and, they are

always in what I call the hurry up and wait mode. Therefore morals, values of people have been

reduced to practically nothing. People don't even have time for family anymore.

                                                                              "Paragraph 175"

    This paragraph I thought relates to this lecture with the remembrance of morals and values in mind.

This lecture talks about the two along with it's changing with time. This change has affected the two

and, that is why paragraph 175 has been modified. Just as today where now same sex marriage is

legal. I will use the blue angel's professor as an example; He was a man of professed morals in a

changing society. Lola was basically down for whatever and, he allowed her to take him where he

 to a point in his life where he could not have imagined ever being.
     He had lost what ever morals he had and his values by the mere clucking like a chicken at his

wedding dinner for the acceptance of those around him. As time went on laws like paragraph 175

were conformed to accommodate what was forbidden pleasures in the professor's time.

4/25 On Pain

                                                                4/25 On Pain

The human will disciplines and outfits this flesh with such painstaking care that it now seems more indifferent to injury. Today, we again are able to bear the sight of death with greater indifference, since we no longer feel at home in our body as we did before. It no longer accords with our style to stop a flying show or a car race simply because of a deadly accident. Such accidents lie not outside but inside the zone of a new kind of security (p. 43).

I chose this passage because of it's reality. The reality of this passage has not just become but, has been around for centuries. It reminds me of that music group the Monkey's. They say "One monkey don't stop the show". That is the way of the world now more than it has ever been. Many lives are lost due to many, many, different reasons. There may have been a time when someone died through a horrific tragedy of some sort, that people may have stopped even if it was for a hour to deal with emotional pain. Nowadays death has become as if someone has dropped the ice cream off the cone. When that happens people will look for a minute and say wow and, keep on going on with what ever routine they were in. This non caring attitude for human life has become the shield to another humans emotions. No one cares until it either hits them or someone close to them. There is no more care and concern for tragedy as in many days before now. This is that new security of every man for themselves era.