Friday, February 27, 2015

The cabinet of Dr. Caligai

                                                          The cabinet of Dr. Caligari

    As I watched the short film which depicted the story read from the lecture, I chose the scene when
the Supposed doctor Caligari went mad because his subject of use had died. I chose this scene
 not only because it reminds me of the many dreams and philosophies that many human beings
may have, be them normal or abnormal but, the fact that  to everyone of them they are valid. In my
saying this, is relative to this course in a way of what nihilism can represent along with the previous
lectures. All people seek that something, be it God, idols or, self as that one true guide in life. This
story to me, reminded me of the philosophers previously discussed in these lectures and the stories
told by those who either were seeking truth, thought they knew the true path or, felt that nothing
mattered but the present. Some as the supposed Caligari went mad in their quest in search of the truth
and, some as the real Caligari in the story, were the real culprits behind others wanting to follow their
paths or be like them. This is the  reason why in today's world I use Isis as an example of those who
are playing that game called follow the leader. Every philosopher believes their philosophy is the
the truth while everyone has lived a story.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Nihilism in Germany

The perspectives of Nietzsche

I chose blind pupils for many reasons. Not only when I read the quote was it indescribably accurate to the capital letter of T. But, it is the greatest explanation to what is going on right now in the world. I know every one is more than likely wondering what in the world is she talking about? And, for those of you who have not met me as of yet my name is Pomaretta. The quote to me was one of the most profound reasoning of all times that proves today's reality. Quote- "As long as many knows very well the strength and the weakness of his teaching, his art, his religion, it's power is still slight". We are taught in many areas of life. What interpretation we choose good or bad can be detrimental to not only our well being but, the well being of others. Next the quote explains "The pupil and the apostle who blinded by authority of the master and by the piety feels toward him pays no attention to the weakness of a teaching, a religion, and soon usually has for that reason more power than the master". This would be an great example of the Muslim groups whom declare their acts of violence as Jihad. They have been taught by teachers of teachers of teachers. That means innovation's upon innovation's. Where as good may have been taught but, throughout time, wars, lost of loved ones, friends, land and, statuses, there has been lot's of hatred, animosity and, envy created in the name of many things especially GOD that have the world today in such turmoil. Quote "The influence of a man has never yet grown great without his blind pupils". I hate to say this but I guess today we can call them "HOME GROWN TERRORIST or "ISSIS". Quote "To help a merely to unite it with stupidity so intimately that the weight of the latter also enforces the victory of the former"! With that being said, there are many lost souls in this world seeking what they want it to be "IT" or the "TRUTH". When seeking truth every one knows right from wrong. Therefore if one is seeking the truth and find themselves with a church, masjid, Jewish temple, etc, and this is for them, great. But, then the teachings become personal and not on path with the good books, it is time to go! This is where STUPIDITY has become evident. Example; Muslim extremist groups that are killing so many people and, say this is their Jihad. They have taken all these blind pupils and instead of teaching these lost souls what is of peace, they have turned that peace into what they claim to be the victory of the apostles from day one